Michigan firefighter right to know act

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Firefighter Right To Know

Michigan's Firefighter Right to Know Law - provides the fire chief of the organized fire department for the jurisdiction in which the person is located the right to request and receive a list of chemicals and SDS’s used at a specified location. Under the law, if the fire chief must requests the following information:

a) A listing of all hazardous chemicals at the location,

b) SDSs for all hazardous chemicals at the location, and

c) Information pertaining to the quantity and location of the chemicals. In addition, an employer must provide the fire chief with a written update when there is a significant change relating to fire hazards and the quantity, location, or presence of hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

This information is priceless to fire fighters in the community in forming strategic plans for specific business locations. It is also a tool used by the fire service to categorize hazard levels of the structures within a municipal boundaries.

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Auburn Hills, MI 48326