Pursuing Happiness: A Bedford Spotlight Reader explores questions around the central concept of what makes us happy: What is the psychology of happiness? Can we make or buy our own happiness? How should we question what makes us happy? How can we make ourselves and others happy? Does techno.
Pursuing Happiness: A Bedford Spotlight Reader explores questions around the central concept of what makes us happy: What is the psychology of happiness? Can we make or buy our own happiness? How should we question what makes us happy? How can we make ourselves and others happy? Does technology make us happy? Readings by philosophers, psychologists, spiritual leaders, ethicists, economists, and others take up these issues and more. Questions and assignments for each selection provides a range of activities for students. The catalog page for the titles in the Spotlight Series offers comprehensive instructor support with sample syllabi and additional teaching resources.
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Retail:$38.99 Wholesale:$30.63Pursuing Happiness: A Bedford Spotlight Reader explores questions around the central concept of what makes us happy: What is the psychology of happiness? Can we make or buy our own happiness? How should we question what makes us happy? How can we make ourselves and others happy? Does technology make us happy? Readings by philosophers, psychologists, spiritual leaders, ethicists, economists, and others take up these issues and more. Questions and assignments for each selection provides a range of activities for students. The catalog page for the titles in the Spotlight Series offers comprehensive instructor support with sample syllabi and additional teaching resources.
Bedford care and quality in every volume. Each volume in the Bedford Spotlight Reader Series is developed with attention to design, pedagogy, and compelling readings that work in the classroom.
Affordable, and an ideal package option. Each Bedford Spotlight Reader offers plenty of material for a composition course while keeping the price low. Combine one of the Bedford Spotlight Readers with a handbook or rhetoric and save 20 percent off the combined price. Package any Bedford Spotlight Reader with Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing: A Bedford Spotlight Rhetoric by Jeff Ousborne for free (a $10 value).
Multiple perspectives on happiness and its effects on individuals and society. To foster student engagement, five chapters built around central questions on the subject of happiness offer numerous entry points for inquiry and discussion. A mix of genres and accessible and challenging selections allow instructors to tailor their approach to each classroom. Some examples:
An excellent choice for courses that focus on academic writing. Pursuing Happiness includes documented essays and selections from a range of disciplines, allowing students to focus on substantive academic writing projects.
Thoughtful support for writers and instructors. A general introduction, chapter introductions, and headnotes provide context, and prompts and assignments offer suggestions for discussion, informal writing, and research; ways to connect selections; and assignments for writing. Additional contents organized by theme, discipline, and rhetorical purpose offer professors flexibility when designing their course. The catalog at macmillanlearning.com offers support for teaching the themes, sample syllabi, and a list of related resources and links.
New to This Edition
20 new reading selections that include more disciplines and flexibility for teaching about happiness in your course. For example,
A new chapter on technology . Based on feedback from instructors, Pursuing Happiness now features a new chapter on technology. Chapter 5 asks students to consider the effect technology has on our social and emotional wellbeing, and the complicated question of whether or not our smartphones and social media accounts are actually making us happier. Essays include a look at surveillance in the workplace from Lynn Stuart Parramore, Sherry Turkle’s strategies to help stay human amid technology overload, Max Strom’s take on the impact of misuse of technology, and more.
An appendix, "Sentence Guides for Academic Writers." This section helps with an essential skill: working with and responding to others’ ideas. This practical module helps students develop an academic writing voice by giving them sentence guides, or templates, to follow in a variety of composing situations.
“This book provides significant research on the popular topic of happiness, giving students access to experts in the fields of sociology and psychology, in addition to readings on the philosophical underpinnings of happiness and the core issues surrounding a life well lived.”
—Barbara Kline, Seattle Pacific University“In the Bedford Spotlight readers, particularly Pursuing Happiness, I finally found an anthology with enough variety and enough truly appealing texts to suit my students’ needs.”
—Jacqueline Williams, Fresno City College“This is a compact textbook that shows the complexity of the seemingly simple concept of happiness by providing readings from many disciplines, faith backgrounds, and historical periods. It is a refreshing book because it offers readings that you dont typically find in readers for freshman comp, and the questions it prompts students to ask are also unique.”
—Zachary Beck, East Texas Baptist University